Celebrating the Linux Kernel Day on August 25th!

Greetings, CloudBalkan enthusiasts!

Today, on August 25th, we’re stepping back to admire the might and magic of a true tech marvel – the Linux kernel. A tale worth recounting is that of its inception. In 1991, a young Linus Torvalds, merely a student at the University of Helsinki, embarked on what he deemed a “hobby”. Making a modest announcement on the Internet newsgroup “comp.os.minix,” Linus shared, “I’m doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won’t be big and professional like GNU)…” Little did the world anticipate that this unassuming project would evolve to be a linchpin in the realm of computing.

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Celebrating Pi Day and the Power of Technology and Cloud Computing

Introduction: March 14th is an exciting day for math enthusiasts and geeks alike as it’s Pi Day! Pi (π) is a mathematical constant that represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. It’s an important mathematical concept that has applications in various fields, including physics, engineering, and computer science. On this day, we celebrate the beauty and significance of pi, and also reflect on the power of technology and cloud computing that has revolutionized the way we work and learn.

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Network Issues

At 23:32 UTC on Jul 28th we have identified an intermittent network connectivity issue.

At the moment it appears to be an upstream provider issue.

At Jul 29, 1:05 UTC connectivity appears to be resolved. Awaiting validation at 30 min. from service restore.